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Home Dental Implants Who is a Candidate

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?
Naperville, IL

Dental Implants provided by in Naperville, IL at

Diagram of a single dental implantAlthough many people are good candidates for receiving dental implants, this isn’t true for everyone. There are a few essential requirements that make it possible for an implant procedure to be performed successfully. However, the oral surgeons at Wheaton Oral Surgery have the training and expertise to prepare almost any patient for a dental implant procedure. In fact, we’ve improved the quality of life for numerous patients who once believed they weren’t viable candidates for implants at all.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants serve as replacements for tooth roots of missing teeth. They provide an exceptionally strong foundation for replacement teeth because they are permanently secured in your jawbone. Following installation of implants, either permanent or removable prostheses can be attached to them. These replacement teeth are designed to look and feel like your natural teeth.

Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

The first step in tooth replacement with dental implants is determining if you meet certain requirements for a successful procedure. First, your overall health needs to be stable prior to the procedure. If you have an underlying and uncontrolled medical condition, such as diabetes or heart disease, you will need to get these conditions stable. In addition, certain medications can interfere with post-surgical healing and may need to be withheld for the duration of treatment and recovery.

Another big factor that can affect the success of an implant procedure is the amount of existing jawbone mass. Dental implants require stable support in your jaw in order not to fail in the future. However, it’s often possible for us to perform bone grafting to augment your jawbone in preparation for the procedure. Bone grafting involves taking your own bone from another part of your body to increase your jawbone volume. We can also use bone tissue from a cadaver or an animal, or we can use synthetic bone material.

Finally, it’s essential that your gums are healthy and free of disease. Unhealthy gums will prevent proper post-surgical healing and reduce the overall success of the implant procedure. If you suffer from advanced gum disease (periodontitis), we will need to perform some type of periodontal treatment to restore the health of your gums before you receive implants.

The Importance of Your Commitment to Personal Oral Care

Just like natural teeth, dental implants will need basic and ongoing personal maintenance and care. This includes brushing and flossing twice daily for a full two minutes each time. In addition, regular dental cleanings will help ensure that your implants last for decades.

Other ways you can preserve your oral health include quitting smoking and limiting your alcohol intake. Both of these lifestyle changes can increase the life of both your replacement teeth and your natural teeth. They are also extremely important for your overall health.

Our highly specialized team of oral surgeons at Wheaton Oral Surgery are highly trained to provide the most successful dental implant outcomes. Even if you have health or bone mass issues initially, we know how to properly prepare your mouth for an implant procedure. Schedule your first visit today by calling (331) 204-0314.
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Tuesday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am - 7:00pm
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Who Is a Candidate for Dental Implants? Naperville IL
The first step in tooth replacement with dental implants is determining if you meet certain requirements for a successful procedure. Learn more here!
Wheaton Oral Surgery and Implant Center, 2323 Naperville Rd, STE 160, Naperville, IL 60563 ~ (331) 204-0314 ~ ~ 9/28/2024 ~ Related Terms: oral surgeon Naperville IL ~